Gustav Klimt 2020 Wall Calendar
Category: Books,Calendars,Arts
Gustav Klimt 2020 Wall Calendar Details
Gustav Klimt (Austrian, 1862–1918) has been characterized as a radical agent of change who defied artistic convention. A leading member of the Austrian Art Nouveau movement known as the Vienna Secession, he produced works of startling power, symbolism, and eroticism. His large-scale public works were not widely popular, yet he never lacked for respect, awards, and commissions. Portraits of women from Vienna’s social elite would come to dominate his career, but Klimt also produced daring landscapes. Departures from the traditional, these semiabstract scenes reflect the influences of Van Gogh and Japonisme, albeit in his undeniably unique style. All of Pomegranate’s calendars are printed with soy-based inks on FSC® certified paper, which means the paper has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® and manufactured by an FSC certified printer. FSC certification promotes responsible forest management by ensuring that forestry practices are environmentally responsible, socially equitable, and economically viable. FSC license code FSC N001864.
- Johannes Vermeer: Girl With a Pearl Earring (Blank Sketch Book) (Luxury Sketch Books)
- Johannes Vermeer Pianificatore di 90 Giorni: La Lattaia | Agenda di 3 Mesi con Calendario 2019 | Organizzatore di Programmi Mensili | 12 Settimane (Italian Edition)
- Johannes Vermeer Carnet: La Fille au Chapeau Rouge | Idéal pour l'École, Études, Recettes ou Mots de Passe | Parfait pour Prendre des Notes | Beau Journal (French Edition)
- Johannes Vermeer Carnet: Une Femme Jouant de la Guitare | Beau Journal | Idéal pour l'École, Études, Recettes ou Mots de Passe | Parfait pour Prendre des Notes (French Edition)
- Johannes Vermeer Cuaderno: Mujer Joven Sentada al Virginal | Diario Elegante | Perfecto Para Tomar Notas | Ideal para la Escuela, el Estudio, Recetas o Contraseñas (Spanish Edition)
- Johannes Vermeer LARGE Notebook #2: Cool Artist Gifts - The Astronomer Vermeer Van Delft Notebook College Ruled to Write in 8.5x11" LARGE 100 Lined Pages
- Johannes Vermeer Agenda Diaria 2020: Retrato de una Mujer Joven | Planificador Enero a Diciembre 2020 | 52 Semanas Enero a Diciembre 2020 | Pintor ... (Agenda 2020 Semana Vista) (Spanish Edition)
- Johannes Vermeer Weekly Planner 2020: The Astronomer | Keep Track of Your Daily Meetings, Appointments, School Work & Goals! | Large Artistic Dutch ... Year Schedule (Weekly Art Planners 2020)
- Johannes Vermeer Notebook: The Little Street Journal | 100-Page Beautiful Lined Art Notebook | 6 X 9 Artsy Journal Notebook (Art Masterpieces)
- Johannes Vermeer Notebook: Lady Seated at a Virginal Journal | 100-Page Beautiful Lined Art Notebook | 6 X 9 Artsy Journal Notebook (Art Masterpieces)